Events Calendar

Events Calendar

The SAVMA calendar is regularly updated with events organized by SAVMA, student clubs, and other organizations. If you’d like to host a lunch talk, please complete the following steps:

  1. Before scheduling an event, check the SAVMA calendar to see if any events are already scheduled at that date and time. Events occurring during the lunch hour (12p-1p) are limited to two per day. Bake sale events are restricted to Mondays at lunch. 
  2. Pick an open date (i.e. less than two lunch events scheduled, excluding bake sales). 
    1. Please try to leave Mondays at lunch open for Monday Motivation events run by CLaW. 
    2. Event approvals will be limited during the Wellness and Diversity Weeks scheduled in Spring term to focus student attention on these important topics for our SVM community. If you are interested in hosting a wellness-focused event during Wellness Week, please contact Amanda Steidlmayer to get involved. If you are interested in contributing to Diversity Week, consider joining or collaborating with our affinity clubs or reaching out to Monae Roberts.
  3. Prior to submitting an event request, please reserve a room/venue for the event. For events on the SVM campus, this can be done through the "Schedules" tab in VIPER.
  4. After reserving a room, put in a request through the "Request Event Posting" form on the SAVMA website including the date, time, location, and virtual meeting link for the event, if applicable.  Please apply at least 2 weeks before the date of the event. If you have concerns or questions, the SAVMA President-elect is in charge of the calendar - currently this is Joanne Seung. Joanne will be making sure that talks are added in order of requests (first come, first serve).
  5. All approved requests will be put on the SAVMA and SVM calendars within 3 business days (excluding holidays). You will not receive an email about request approvals, so please check the SAVMA calendar to know if it has been added/approved. If your request is denied (because of an earlier scheduled lunch talk) you will receive an email from Joanne within 3 business days of your request letting you know that you need to find another date.
  6. Once your request has been approved and put on the SAVMA calendar, you can confirm with your speaker(s) and send announcements about the event via email and other communication platforms. 

COVID-19 Health Policy:

Conferences and Symposia

SAVMA SymposiumDavis, CAMarch 21-23, 2025The SAVMA Symposium is an annual national conference by veterinary students for veterinary students. For more information, please visit: